Pupil Progress Report
Shows pupils lessons with the subjects learnt. Each lesson can be marked according to DSA standards
Subjects Editor
Allows you to insert custom courses, subjects and colours according to the course.
Payment Schedule
Automatically inserts payments from instructors and ongoing expenses.
This wonderful feature makes your life easier.
Initially includes 143 UK Postcodes of counties and major towns,
then the Tools Module builds a Postcode List for you as you enter new addresses.
Once a postcode is in your list, the address is filled automatically.
Thanks to all instructors who have helped us to build the postcode table, you can now download
an extended table of 27213 UK postcodes, which you can download directly from ADI diary 2010
Data Analysis
Many reports can be viewed graphically such as:
Pupil marketing analysis
Pupils by area
Busiest months
Instructor activity
and many more
Custom data analysis can be added using SQL queries