Instructor's profile consists of seven pages,
which you can select by clicking on one of the labels on the right of the form.
Contact Page
Contains the personal details of the instructor.
The automatic address recognition is available in the Postcodes edit page.
To send an e-mail to the instructor, click ellipses button.
Licence Page
Licence information and categories of vehicles the instructor is teaching
Qualifications Page
DSA information
Operating Page
The settings on this page can be used in the Filter or 'Find available instructor' operation.
The 'Operating Postcode' field, helps you to find an instructor in a particular area.
Working day Page
If a lesson is booked outside of the specified time,
ADI-diary will show the time in red,
indicating that the instructor is working overtime and will not be included in the 'Find available instructor' operation.
If a day is not selected then the Diary will display a crossed header,
indicating that the instructor has a regular day off and will not be included in the 'Find available instructor' operation.
Switchboard Page
The page has all necessary commands to establish the connection to other computer.
All operations take you through the process with a detailed explanation.
Vehicle Page
Contains the information and the photograph of the instructor's car