How to create an Invoice
To create a new invoice, select Payments and click New Invoice
Select Cash if you are paid lesson by lesson.
ADI-diary will search for any unpaid lessons that occur before or on the date of the invoice.
Select Prepaid if a pupil has paid directly to you in advance and you will give these lessons to the pupil.
The Invoice will be assigned to any lesson that is booked in the future and falls on or after the date of the Invoice without exceeding prepaid amount.
Select Holding Amount if a pupil has paid to a driving school and this amount will be allocated to a different instructor.
The invoice will be assigned to any lesson that is booked in the future and falls on or after the date of the Invoice without exceeding the prepaid amount.
You can release the payments to instructor in the Invoice page.
Select Top-up in situations when you gave more time than booked.
Example: £200 for 10 hours was prepaid amount. You gave 7 lessons of 1 and 1/2 hours which totals 10 and 1/2 hours. Create Top-up Invoice for £10 (30 minutes)
and you will be able to see it in the Balance Sheet.
The hours will be calculated according to pupil's rate.
All invoices including Refunds can be seen in the Balance Sheet.