The comprehensive filter allows you to see certain types of records.
To set the filter, click on a column header.
The filter is not confined to a single parameter and can be any combination.
The filtered columns are marked.
Date Column
Sets date period
Instructor Column
Lists all records which are relevant to the selected instructor.
Instead of setting filter, you can sort out records by instructor's name.
Pupil Column
Lists all records which are relevant to the selected pupil.
Instead of setting filters, you can sort out records by pupil's name.
Invoice No. and Records ID
Invoice No. and Records ID is in fact the same number
The system identifies an invoice by its Records ID.
It would be difficult to refer to an invoice by an unreadable computer generated unique ID.
Therefore Invoice No. is introduced which is translated to a human readable number.
Because the number is unique, instead of filter there is a search function, which allows you to quickly locate the record.
Payment Type
Click on the header to see the list of available payment types.
You can include or exclude any combination of types in the list.
Description list includes entries from Expenses and Franchise pages and can be edited in the corresponding pages.
See also